Sunday 3 March 2013

Sonargaon - or actually Panam Nagar

At 2 hours it took us longer than we had hoped to travel the 25km to reach Sonargaon - this was largely due to the chaos round a new overpass in construction.

But we did get a chance to see some transport types unseen in our part of Dhaka 

diesel tuk tuks

the red tuk tuk is extra large
We confused our driver by not wanting to go to what was obviously a very popular tourist attraction for Bengalis (coaches parked in a full car park) - which was some kind of museum and picnic spot, but we could tell that we would be the main attraction if we went in.

Instead we carried onto Panam City, a very photogenic, peaceful place - which is a deserted village of landowners built at the beginning of the 20th century. A few tourists came from the nearby attraction in rickshaws with camera phones on, some local villagers meandered through, schoolboys on bikes ask "your country?" with incredible regularity.  We ambled through looking at the architecture, and life..and taking a few photos


Lon inspects the shaded workshop

Dad remembers a stove like this from his childhood in India

lady washing herself in the pond (tank)

dung drying for use in fires

open space + boys= cricket

cut throat action

Girls + camera = giggles
this chap came to chat we sat in the shade with a drink

1 comment:

The Toes said...

Past grandeur and lovely pics x