Tuesday 11 December 2012

Places I shop (2)

White Hen Butcher shop Banani http://www.whitehengourmet.com.bd/

This is a clean and friendly butchers in the neighbouring area of the city.  Chicken, beef and mutton are available, as well as sandwich fillers and pre-marinated meat.

The meat is prepared in an open area that is visible from the shop, so you can see it's clean and hygienic, and Neil the Australian head butcher/owner is often behind the counter and ready to chat and help explain some of the items.

Pork is not available here, as it is 100% halal (shame).  I'll take pics of the pork butchers next time I go.

This is the butcher area of a market in old Dhaka.  I'm relieved that I don't have to negotiate these kind of sensory experiences for a chicken!  Close inspection will show live chickens below the hanging ones, and calves next to the beef butchers...sad, but not as removed from the reality of meat as the cling wrapped chicken breasts that I buy.

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