Tuesday 2 October 2007

Comments please!

Paris Hilton coming to Rwanda

Kigali, September 26 (RNA) – Hotel heiress Paris Hilton is planning a very special trip - not to Vegas or the south of France, but to Rwanda, RNA has established.

According to CBC News, Hilton plans to visit Rwanda this November to raise awareness about child poverty. The service trip comes as part of Paris' image makeover following her brief stint in jail.

"The Simple Life" CBC News quotes her: "I'll be going in November, after I get back from filming my movie. There's so much need in that area, and I feel like if I go, it will bring more attention to what people can do to help."

Paris' Rwanda trip will be one of many service trips around the world. "I want to visit more countries where poverty and children's issues are a big concern," the 26-year-old socialite said. "I know there's a lot of good I can do just by getting involved and bringing attention to these issues."

The hotel heiress said that she wants to spread awareness about Rwanda and show people what they can do to help.


Anonymous said...

WOT!!!!! I dont believe it .... Paris in Rwanda!!! It's joke surely - maybe Michael Jackson is on his way too.......

Anonymous said...

Well maybe she has finally learnt what Princess Diana and Angelina Jolie had/have - that if you are famous you can actually work the media and thus the public to the advantage of some major charities and countries/areas in need.

Nice for a change that she is actually thinking about something other than what she looks like! do we dare say she is 'growing up' or is she just trying to 'cash in' on this and turn her 'image' round to being a 'caring citizen'? but who cares in the end it can only do good for those it highlights - well we hope.
Miranda xx