Sunday 9 September 2012

So. Take A Walk Every Day Keep Your Health Fit

Also known as Gulshan Tank Park

On Friday (= Sunday), we decided to take a walk round the neighbourhood, and went to a local park.

It is lovely and green and shady.

It seemed there was more to it than meets the eye

and there is a lap indicated by the yellow arrows, and motivational boards at regular intervals

 Oh yes, the ladies corner, solely occupied by men (perhaps they were on display for the ladieez to choose from?)

oddly, we walked into some kind of election. Apparently there is an organisation which runs the Health Club, the main activity is walking laps in the morning.  One day I will get up so I can join in!


The Toes said...

Excellent!!!! Looks a nice spot in the shade:)

Anonymous said...

Love it .... can we get a lady's corner like that over here ;-)?!
