Sunday 9 September 2012


We are currently undertaking some consumer testing.  So far the Bangla brand on top is in the lead for softness / strength.  I'm guessing the commissaries have import tissue...

Bread - in particular brown bread. We have tried a seeded bread from Lavender supermarket which was fine until you hit a caraway seed. Not fine.

Lavender also stock a "brown bread", the loaf I tried was HEAVY, undercooked, and over yeasted.  Really quite unpleasant.

Coopers brown bread was airy and sweet, great for toast and jam, but not a cheese sandwich (Lon is dutch after all)

Dumiok - a Korean bakery in Banani, a mid brown coloured bread, very light tasting - beschuit like when toasted
I have a hot tip though, to go to the Nordic club and get brown bread there.  We shall see.

One thing which will make our experience more positive
low fat pasturised milk! in a bag! it tastes like semi-skimmed /halfvolle milk and is stocked in the supermarkets

1 comment:

The Toes said...

Nearly as bad as USA haha
We now eat walmarts ciabatta bread rolls - nearly normal and NO corn syrup in them, most bread as you know is 'fluff' and full of sugars, honey molasses and the dreaded corn syrup....
Good luck finding yours - or back to bread maker when it arrives?