Neville is a lucky bloke, I still don't know how, but his paw is not broken. The lady shaved his paw, one hole in his skin, she put antiseptic stuff on it and gave him antibiotics. Still not sure why it took four people though.
Neville is grounded for about a week, I hope he learned a lesson.
The guard says it is a rat-trap, personally I think it is a bear-trap, that's why there are so few bears here.
Nev still under narcosis.
Musti having a sniff at the funny situation. Why does Nev smell different? What is his basket doing in the living room? Why is Nev not walking properly?
First attempt to get out the basket, followed by many wiggles and falls all through the living room (leaving some drops of urine like an old man). He finally found a quiet dark corner to sleep a bit more.
We'll be returning to the vet twice more at least for antibiotic shots and to get his dressing removed.
At the end of the day he's an outdoor cat, we can't expect him to stay indoors, but we never expected this...
Poor Nev!!!!!!!! Poor you and Haze, it must have been a terrible shock for you both, but so glad Nev is ok if sore, but as you said his paw was thankfully not broken!!!
Big hugs to you all xxxx
I agree Lon that the trap looks rather big for just rats. Poor Nev .. een extra aai vanuit een onverwacht warm NL.
groetjes, Nienke
Frightening! Don't expect such things to be lieing about - particularly that sort of trap! (and trust me rats can get pretty big, my brother lived in Hong Kong and he said they were usually bigger than cats!!)
I am sure he will bounce back!
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