Friday 16 September 2011

Pizza surprise

Today we had a lunch with all the staff as kind of teambuilding. My colleague put a nice flyer together as invite. On this invite she decided to put down a makebelieve word: Musring. So naturally we all started guessing what it could be. The winner was someone who said it is the local word for bat. So he expected some pizza with bat meat topping. During the meal it became apparent the no bat was involved with making the pizza. However as big surprise our local secretary came out with a pot. At first I didn't believe it, but when I looked in the pot it was undeniable: a bat in some sort of soup. I was intrigued but when I actually smelled it I lost any kind of appetite for trying it. It might have been mostly because of the sauce, but it smelled like the bat died a while ago; cheese put in an old sock and carried in an old ladies armpit.
My only dutch collegue who was brave enough to try it assured me that it tasted like it smelled, he is not in advertising.

Starting lunch

No not an alien taking a bath. It is a bat in sauce.

The face says it all.

The bat didn't go to waste, and it wasn't a special order, but is available widely at this time of year when hunting bats is legal.


The Toes said...

That is DISGUSTING!!!!!!!! the pictures are so graphic!!!!
So glad you didnt eat any Haze would never have kissed you ever again.....

Wouter en Mian said...

Good pictures.
Soo happy that internet has no smell function (yet).

This is worth an article in National Geografic.
How to catch, prepare and eat BAT...

Anonymous said...

Hey! Back to the basics! You know what you eat and its local! That is "à la mode".
your Dad

Graham said...

Been following your blog since your Kigali days. And this is both the most intriguing and simultaneously disgusting post yet. Bravo.