Monday 26 September 2011

Cat-ch up

Below are some sneaky (read blurry) pics of Sophavet Clinic on Av Charles de Gaulle - where we took Nev


 looks really clean and hygienic doesn't it

Oh wait no it doesn't.  Look away now if you don't like ick

 this was about 10 days after he was injured - about when he started eating again.  The sticky icky open-ness above and below got cat litter stuck in it when he went to the loo and we had to try and pick it out
20 or so days after injury
Yes this last photo does look like a scary voodoo monkey foot or something - this is due to the fact that its a bald cat foot.  Close inspection of both Nevs other foot and Mustis lead us to believe that cat "thumbs" are shorter than the fingers, with the claw at an angle - we were worried that he'd lost the tip of his paw - but mostly cats paws have lots of fur.  He lost his in a big icky flap that we had to warn Habibou about as we weren't sure where he'd left it ..urgh.

He's speedy gonzalez on three legs now, and even escaped captivity last night and did ok outside (tonight the double lock goes on the catflap).  Still a bit worried that he's not putting weight on the bad foot, but he does use it, and puts it down when sitting. Paws crossed that he heals up completely now.

1 comment:

The Toes said...

Poor Nev:(. In a weird way it does look like it is improving.. He definately needs spoiling to get his weight up
Thinking of you both and know how worrying it is when they are poorly.....

Have you tried reiki????

Loves to you all xxx