Saturday 2 May 2009

..its all black

Finally, I got round to organising having our outdoor furniture repainted and the cushions recovered. It was one of those jobs that I envisaged being a hassle, but the reality was in fact pretty simple.
Its turned out really well I think.

The cats have tried out the new chairs, and have given them the paws up.

The eagle eyed among you might have noticed tulips on the table - they are from the Queensday celebrations. Strange how much pleasure a bunch of flowers can bring, I took tulips so much for granted!

Queensday celebrations were very muted following the attempted car attack on the Dutch royal family, which has resulted in five dead, excluding the driver. So we had no music, alcohol, or dancing and all was over by nine..I was relived as my feet were aching.


The Toes said...

WOW furniture looks great, very stylish.

Love the pics of the kits, they look very regal:)
Did they fly the tulips in from Holland??
Real shock when we saw the news re the royal family........ unbelievable!!

Wouter en Mian said...

Yes, the furniture looks very good now. It took a while, but it was worth the wait :-)

Good lounching.