Wednesday 6 May 2009

Internet woes rant

sitting in bloddy coffee shop AGAIN, customer service for our ISP is a joke. Every time I call it goes a lot like this

Press 1 for Kiyarwandan 2 for English


Murhao, KiyarwandanKiyarwandanKiyarwandanKiyarwandanKiyarwandan

Can I speak to someone in English please?

KiyarwandanKiyarwandan Hello

Hello my internet doesn't work

what kind of account do you have?

59,000 Rwf wireless, and not working

what is the customer name?

Please can I give you my account number instead?

No I would like the customer name

sigh..L-O-N-A-K-O P-E-T-E-R Z-O-M-E-R
they look in computer

RANOKL? I cant find it

please can I give you my account number?

No, I have a PETER LAPTOP is that you?

sigh..L-O-N-A-K-O P-E-T-E-R Z-O-M-E-R

OK I can't find it, what is your account number?


Oh you don't have a wireless account.

OK, the account type is not specified on the invoice, but I use it wirelessly

What is the problem?



I know it is great that we have working internet mostly, I truly do.
But my caffeination levels are becoming dangerous.

Rant over


The Toes said...

Give my love to Peter Laptop hahahaha

Ohhhh sorry,tis not funny:( WOuld drive us mad, Bill would feel his hands had been cut off!!

Still the weather is nice!! :) :)

Wouter en Mian said...

It is very funny to read, not so funny for you though.
But here in The Netherlands we have simular conversations with insurance compagnies etc.
The language is not a problem, the "understanding" is the problem. We say: Zij hoort wel goed, maar zij luistert slecht.