Wednesday 6 June 2012

Centre Delwende

Back at the end of May we took a lot of old clothes and shoes to a project that we had heard of, but not yet visited. In Ouaga expat slang they are known as the sorceresses, but the reality is much sadder.

Elder women are cast out of their villages penniless accused of witchcraft.

Out of respect we chose not to take photos as we were just dropping off a donation, but some more details and pictures can be found here and more information

I bought some of their hand carded and spun cotton yarn to knit with – wonderful, but tricky wind into smaller balls.

The orginal spun ball was like this…


And ended up like these – plus the big knotty mess on a stick!


1 comment:

The Toes said...

Very sad and poignant pics.....But as usual really good people making a difference...