Friday 22 June 2012

stormy weather

Yesterday we took the Prado (SOLD btw YAY) to the garage for a service, and in the afternoon went back to collect it

As you can see - the sky went ominous, and we could see that a dust storm was approaching - the question was - how fast?
the streets are emptying

Lon in the embassy car in front of me

It was quite impressive - I managed to just get home as the world was turning orange - it felt like the opening to the Wizard of Oz, Lon was driving back to the embassy, and had to put on his headlights as visibility got so bad.  When I got home, I asked Habibou if it would rain as well - she said no...just sand.  Ten minutes later it was bucketing down..

Unrelated - but seen on the way to pick up the car

yes we do transport panes of glass with our bare hands on the back of motorbikes

what do you mean Health and Safety??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was meaning to write a comment ... managed to send you an email instead .. it's late.
The sand storm looks impressive on the pictures ... driving through it must have been a scary but amazing experience. What adventures have you yet to experience in BF before you move ;-)?!
How is the packing coming along?
love, Nienke