Monday 6 October 2008


Time to try a new Rwandan vegetable

I couldn't understand why so many of the Send a cow farmers were cultivating weeds, it turns out to be a leafy vegetable called do-do and is very popular, and probably nutritious.

I scored some and got Clarisse to show me how to cook it
Basically fry off onion and garlic in oil, add dodo, fry, add skinned tomatoes, fry, add dash water - about 20 mins in all
the result

like an indian palak / spinach curry with no spice at all
I think I could probably live without it, though its very popular here served with manioc or sweet potatoes.


The Toes said...

looks good but sounds like 'doo doo' he he

gemblina said...

Ooooh *yum*