Tuesday 26 February 2008

introducing the staff

Here we have Theoniste and Deo who are the night guards - they work as a team together, and can spend hours chatting even thought they work together 5 nights a week for 13 hours at a time from 18.00 - 07.00 (they each get 1 night off)

Clarisse is our femme de menage or domestique - she works from 08.00 - 16.30 and cleans for us, haggles with veg man, irons etc etc, I'm teaching her some cooking too

Evariste is the gardener, he has 8 children, and wears flip flops even for dangerous work.

We have a regular day gaurd Emmanuel who is currently on leave. Will take photos later

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lon en Hazel,
Wij hebben jullie verhaal en foto's op internet "Blog" gelezen en bewonderd.
Heb je een fijne tijd gehad met jouw ouders? Wij wensen jullie straks met Mian en Wouter ook een te gekke tijd toe.
Harry en Fien Rouwhorst