Tuesday 3 June 2014

Srimongal Day 2

Early we set off to visit Lawadarra National Park, and hoping to see Howletts Gibbons

this is a spider - the distance between the two feelers is about 8 cm!!
Although our guide had brushed away this spider's web he didn't notice it hanging on by a thread whereby it swung down tarzan style and hit me squarely between the eyes.  I was extra-ordinarily brave and composed and just hyperventilated quietly instead of screaming and swearing (I am still traumatised!)

snakes on the other hand, especially constrictors with a full tummy are cool

Lon's leech
We heard the gibbons and tried to track them, but no luck. Lon did get a souvenir leech (so did I as I found out later)

Back to the Hermitage for excellent breakfast and rest.

After lunch and the heat of the day had passed we head off again by CNG through the fields of Sri Mongal to Baika Beel wetland sanctuary.

We were able to spot lots of birds with the help of this telescope and the ranger in the watchtower - but our zoom isn't that zoomy.  It was a very tranquil and beautiful place to be.

our driver was off having a snooze

We stopped for the famous speciality of the region, 7 layer tea. Every layer was sweet (for density reasons) there was certainly some ginger in one layer, and lemon in another.

1 comment:

The Toes said...

More lovely pics:)
Off for day 3.....