Tuesday 31 December 2013

2013 - a recap

2013 has been a really busy and unsettled year for us.

Bangladesh was in the world news due to violence following War Crime trials, the garment factory collapse in Savar, and hurricane Mahasen (which caused thankfully little damage).

Strikes and violence (or threat of) have been a strong feature of the year, and also meant that we were unable to explore as much of Bangladesh or even Dhaka as we might have liked, but we took such opportunities as there were.

As of 30th November 89 nationwide Hartals counted (35 in Dhaka alone), +364 hours blockade between 25th Nov. -22nd Dec. and an estimated loss of $250 million a day per strike day!

So since we weren't able to move much in Bangladesh (or Dhaka) we made the most of the situation and travelled in the region - which is still pretty much unknown for us

January - February

Lon went to Afghanistan to assist at the Embassy

I went to snowy Holland.  Gem and Greg came to visit to make sure I didn't get cabin fever on my own

February - March

Dad came for a visit - we had a great time eating our way round Dhaka and exploring the city

Back to more cold and snow for Easter in Holland, Zomer family get together at Slagharen. We had a cold fun, noisy time, and celebrated our 12.5 year wedding anniversary (a dutch thing)

Queens day was a special one this year, as it featured the abdication of Queen Beatrix and the Coronation of King Willem Alexander

We had a once in a lifetime weekend away and visited Bhutan - it and the people we met were absolutely stunning



A hot and sweaty field trip to some projects supported by NL in the Sylhet region

We had our summer holidays in Holland - with a 36 hour stopover in Kuala Lumpur

this time the sun shone - almost non stop it seemed, and was glorious. We enjoyed the long evenings, cycling, and fresh summer fruit

we also had the family over from the UK to visit us

Lon celebrated his birthday with the family on a treasure hunt and picnic, complete with cherry pit spitting contest

Lon cut short his leave, and went back again to Kabul to help out

we visited Durga puja celebrations at Kumudini hospital and in Dhaka

October - November
We spent two weeks in Nepal.  No trekking in the mountains for us, but we took the time to visit some of the old Newari towns, go to Chitwan National Park and enjoy the scenery.


Two weeks in Laos and almost a week in Thailand on the beach ended the year for us (full posts will be written soon) - but it's no secret that we had an incredible time - I fully recommend Laos to anyone wanting to visit Asia.

Happy and Healthy New Year to all our friends and family

1 comment:

The Toes said...

BUSY year!!!! Pictures are AMAZING...
What a fabulous idea 2013 recap:)
Love the family pics xxxxx