Wednesday 22 May 2013

Doctors and Dentists

Now that we have been outside NL so long, I don't think we are registered any longer with our previous GP or dentist, and even so, we aren't based in the Hague any more, so I prefer to have our health care providers sorted out in the country where we spend the majority of the year.

The ICDDR,B (International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh) has a travellers clinic which offers GP services and vaccinations. I think I had my first sit down health chat with a British GP for decades! Prescriptions are then either very expensive (imported medicines) or incredibly cheap (locally made ones).

I also had the chance to visit the better of our two local hospitals with facilities that are up to scratch (-ish). A friend needed an MRI scan to rule out anything too serious with a bad knee, so I kept her company at the Apollo. We didn't see much beyond the entrance and radiology unit, but I was impressed at how efficient the whole process was (particularly receiving money!) but even with an appointment the scan took place an hour later than planned.

Entrance / admin area
disposal instructions on the bin in the loo 

Lastly, the dentist. Least favourite health professional group. We'd received recommendations from two very different sources for the same dentist, so I decided to bite the bullet and get a check up and cleaning session. I also needed a couple of fillings which are now in place. Ouch.

The dentist is nice, the equipment is outdated but cleaned, but it is an open office with partitions, so you can hear your neighbours drill too. One other difference than in europe was the use of my chest to keep the instruments on (on a towel) rather than a tray - but the pick thing pricked!

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