Wednesday 22 May 2013

Day out in Dhanmondi

We've been lax at updating lately, but have been busy with one thing and another - back at the end of April, on a rare hartal free weekend we made our way into the busy (arty?) neighbourhood of Dhanmondi.

we visited some shops selling handicrafts and clothes - and I admired the WC's in one very much

We finally found the Dhaka Arts Center (which isn't where it's listed in the guidebook), but were too early to go into the exhibition that was on

 and instead went to the rather hip cafe attached to the Arts Center

 while we were there there was an immense thunderstorm and rains, which meant we hung round longer than intended - but no worries

in the much cooler afternoon now, we took a stroll round the lake and amphitheater and gawked at a film crew

1 comment:

The Toes said...

Love the pics - drinks in jam jars are very trendy here too!!!