Wednesday 25 November 2009

Vehicular vocab

Driving in Rwanda leads to some interesting utterances in our car, sometimes urging other drivers / pedestrians onwards, sometimes just insulting them. Some gems lately...

When being cut up on a roundabout - you should have tooted, that was definitely tootable
When a pedestrian walked in front of the moving car - see the big shiny metal thing - it hurts, don't walk in front of it
Crawling up a hill - go on, change gear, I dare you
When the car in front suddenly changes lane - ooh, using the magical invisible indicators again are we?
When the car in front is sticking to the middle of the road - pick a lane any lane
when driver on left is more interested in nose contents than road - if you're hungry get a takeaway
When moto in front of car is cruising for business and veering from side to side slooowly - just drive in a forwards motion will you

This obviously has no affect on anyone exterior to our car, but it makes us feel better. Some of the above are translated, and some have been cleaned up for public digestion

The car is now fixed, we went away for the weekend and abused it through potholes, and did something to the exhaust which made the car very noisy, its fixed now, but communication difficulties mean we're still not entirely sure what was wrong, as the guy from the garage told Lon, it was making a big noise, and now its not...thanks!

1 comment:

gemblina said...

I missed this! Excellent!
I chortled at my desk x