We had a nice day yesterday with some strange purchases.
We went out a bit later than planned due to rain. We took a little drive to see where Wouter has to run the marathon, a few challenging slopes, but also quite a bit flat-ish. On the way we passed a colleague who had a small accident (I will inquire Monday). After that we had a buffet lunch at Afrika Bite. We have been there before for dinner. Buffet was good and included a soft drink so good value. Soft drink is called Fanta here. So if it says somewhere 'Fanta for sale' it means they have soft drinks, not just Fanta.
We decided to take a 'local route' home and pasted a small souvenir shop. Because it was a woodcarver the workshop was full of small wood chips, a small brainwave made us ask what he did with it as we needed some for our garden. We could take as much as we want, for free. So we drove home, collected the gardener (for the phisical labour) and some big bags and went back. After a chat and loading the back of our car we awarded the man with some money for a beer.
My dad has some genes which he didn't pass on. In the village where he lives the men blow horns made from cow horns. So he thought to ask the local man if they are for sale here, unfortunately for me the man directed us to the slaughterhouse. So we parked our car in the middle of the market (this is an achievement on its own) to find nobody but the guard. Luckily the guard was willing to 'find' one for a small fee. So now I had a car with wood chips and a very smelly cows horn. At home my dad made the gardener and the guard clean the thing,
it was full of maggots and the inside had to be carved out. So now my father can say to the neighbours his is bigger then theirs. That is if customs don't confiscate it!
Later the same afternoon we went to see the house of the gardener. We borrow him some money so he can buy a place and doesn't have to pay rent every month, so he felt he had to show us his house. His current house is right next to the house he is buying, so we could see both. We felt a bit guilty seeing this small house where he has to live with his 9 (not a typo: 9!) children. and the two of us live in a house at least four times the size.
The new house, roughly the same size as his current house which is just behind it.
The day wasn't over yet. The vet came to give our cats there first injection, this went well. He confirmed their gender. In four weeks time our Neville will be less manly and Dobby will be altered after her first heat.
To let this busy day sink in we went to Chez John for our dinner. There we had to 'unhasten' as they call it in Dutch. In normal English: 'it took ages'. After our complaint they explained that the gas was finished halfway the evening, such a shame they didn't inform us quicker. We did enjoy the food, so we will probably give it another chance.