Thursday 17 January 2008

Dobby and Neville

Have arrived, they are very very cute and funny.

Most of their time is split in the following way

Sleep - 2 hours

Eat (tinned sardines with rice), use the sandbox - scattering sand far and wide, but they are pretty good at doing their business there.

Play 20-30 mins.
Favourite playthings are each other, the wine rack and a local stool we have.
They appear to be very fond of electrical outlets and wires too, which we will have to keep an eye on this habit. They are a little too young to really get the concept of toys, but were both trying out their needle sharp teeth on our fingers in a game last night!

Photography is difficult, I've taken lots of blurry photos due to either having the flash off, and the speed is wrong, or that they won't / can't sit still when awake!


The Toes said...

Cant wait to hold, play and cuddle those cuties....

Lon - Have you tried putting your camera on AI servo or using a faster shutter???? Sports setting??? Continuous - Ohhh we can play for hours with our cameras...... taking piccys of the babies hehe

The Toes said...
