Wednesday 19 October 2016

19-20 April Reykjavik - National Park Thingvellir - Skogar

LONG overdue blogposts that have languished in the draft folder! - we updated to Facebook as we were traveling and it's hard to work up the motivation to do it again with more words!

We decided to go on a holiday where everything was different from our lives as Expats, and chose in April to go to Iceland for a (6) day fly drive (day six was a 7 am flight out of the country, so not a holiday day)

anyway, Iceland blew us away - in terms of the geography and nature, and on the first day the wind too!

19 - April Day 1 arrival
We had a challenging time driving into a new city with only (poorly) written instructions, but made it to our hotel, too late to do much except wander round and find food and enjoy the graffiti


fish leather lights in the fish and chip restaurant

20 April Day 2 -
We walked round Reykjavík in the drizzle - visiting the iconic Hallgrimmskirkja cathedral, and walking round the (open) city. Then our tour really began:

We drove from Reykjavík to Vik/Skogar through National Park Thingvellir. It was swearingly cold - as in the moment you got out of the car to take photos, swear words came out of your mouth unbidden. But the scenery was magnificent, and each bend in the road brought new views, and often it seemed, new weather!

view of Hekla volcano

yes we did travel with our own flask of tea

Yarn shop Thingborg full of handspun sheepy Icelandic yarns

waterfall Seljalandsfoss

Slept at Hotel Anna - a wonderful place nestled at the foot of some small volcanic mountains

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