Sunday 7 August 2011

C'est la vie

The inevitable happened. I had a small bump in with a moto (moped). I was slowly veering to the left in order to cross the road. I did notice a car but judged it to be far enough away. I did not notice the moto that must have been overtaking the car. The moto braked and we touched sideways. Luckily no harm done, a small scratch on my foot and a tiny bruise. What is worse is that the man's bag broke, he was trasporting several small goats heads other lovely parts of this animal. So I out of courtesy I was obliged to pick these up for him, yack.

As a sidenote it has to be said that motos are a plague in Ouaga traffic. In most countries bikes and the like keep to the right of the road (left in the UK), leaving the middle of the road for the cars. In Ouaga motos make there own rules, basically: go where you want.


your Dad said...

Did you offer him a new bag? Or did you take his stuff in your car? How polite could you be?

Lon said...

It was a normal black plastic back, a bystander was so kind as to give another. And I couldn't put it in my car, as I was by bike and Hazel was at bookclub.