Tuesday 4 January 2011

Escape artist

Caught in the act...


gemblina said...

Wow! Clever kitty! :)
Love the bird sounds...can't WAIT to visit xxx

Miranda Kate said...

Very crafty. Took my cat Dotty about 6 months to work out how to use the catflap- and still when she goes out she hits it open about 6 times before actually going out! (it's magnetic, so very noisy!)

Baby kitty (Sally), who is now 6 months, can come in it fine, but has not worked out how to go out herself, incessant urgent sounding, high pitched mewing works for her, as I then open the flat from the inside for her to shoot out!

But your two are of much higher intelligence than mine then no doubt.

And cats can swim, and some do like it!!!! With the hot weather, it might be their way of cooling off. I too have had a soaking wet kitty come home a couple of times, but mine is more like 'slipped into the sloot'!!!