Tuesday 16 September 2008


You never do it right.

Today the NEC (National Election Commission) announced the results:
98% turn-up: 78% RPF about 13% PSP and 6% LP and a few % for the independent. Sorry I don't have the exact details at hand.

Now, in itself not surprising that RPF got the far majority. However rumors are that the percentage has been adjusted DOWNwards. Let me explain why they would do this.

According to the constitution one party can have no more then 50% of the seats, so it doesn't really matter if RPF has 50% or 99% of the votes. By rigging the votes they can show that Rwanda has become more democratic and PS as well as LP has reached the 5% limit.

It also proves possible that number are adjusted; votes are counted and well controlled, however the results are only given on district level, there are no results at lower levels, because observers only have some results of individual centres, it is never possible to have a full picture of a district.

The EU will have a press conference on Thursday sharing their findings; rumours are that none of the observers found a result less the 90% RPF, which would make a 78% result unlikely.

Now, what is the truth. I don't know. The system looked solid, which rules in favour of NEC. Are evil forces at work putting RPF in a black light...

All I can say is if RPF had got 97% of the votes, there would still be comments, as I said: whatever the result, they never would have done it right in some peoples eyes.

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