Saturday 3 May 2008

Long live the queen

Busy week. Last Saturday there was a tennis tournament for Dutchies. A Dutchman won! ;) We celebrated with a BBQ at my collegeague's house round the corner from us. Met some nice people, among which a Dutchman that works for Germans (GTZ) and lives round the corner (the other corner).

Wednesday was queensday. This day is the birthday of our late queen and is our traditional national holiday. For embassy staff this means decorating the party tent and terras of the residence. So after blowing up hundreds of balloons we went home to get our nice suits on. The party started at 18.00. A couple of speaches at 19.00 and after that a party with live music and good food. We had pancakes, kroketten, bitterballen, cheese, kaassouflees, haring and some Rwandees goodies. Sorry some things just do not translate. We left reasonably early 10 ish, but apperantly it went on till after midnight.

Today there was the international foodfair. Yeah, food. Several countries had a stall with food from there own country. Hazel made some cucumber sandwiches for the UK stall. The UK stall also had scones and Pimm's. The Dutch had pancakes, cheese, applepie and poffertjes (mini pancakes).

Luckely we have Monday of because it's Dutch liberation day.


Anonymous said...

Viva la liberation!!

Anonymous said...

Pah, some people have all the luck, those of us in 'non-government' employ had to work here in Holland!