Sunday 2 December 2007


We're in our new house, and this blog is made there with our wireless network.

The painters thought they were finished Friday morning, but they did not clear all the paint of the windows and did not paint the staff-toilet. They spent most of Saturday what looked like hanging around. They still not finished!

Meanwhile Friday morning I got a call that the car is at customs. This went in an African way, so it took ages. At the embassy there was a car, but no key, finally found a spare key. Went to the customs, the removal man talked to a man who had to find a supervisor. After a while the supervisor came with a big man with a cutter. After checking the seal number three times they cut open the container. And yes our brand new car was there, dirty but beautiful. The car is now at their 'parking lot' until the papers are sorted, this takes 1 to 2 weeks (depending on peoples mood, if the printer works etc.)

By the time we had a late lunch the movers came. Lots of men so it went fast, half our stuff arrived. This was actually convenient so we could arrange things and make sure the next lot on Saturday could fit. Saturday morning there was a smaller crew and a smaller shipment. Still not everything is there yet, the rest will follow on Monday. We're still missing: table (got the legs), one of the sofas Some kitchenware. We have now: LOTS of wine, can survive a century, some more stock which we had to buy in bulk, like cookies.

Of to wash and do some shopping.


gemblina said...

Wow! - Sounds sooo exciting! :o)

CAN'T WAIT to see the piccies and hear all about it x

Miss you, but am so happy and excited for you both x

The Toes said...

Great you have wireless!! Sounds like you have a lot to do though...

Car may be dirty and papers need doing but at least its there:) :)

Were in Houston and have wireless too and its FAST hooray....

By now hopefully you have all your 'stuff' and the painting is finished and dry!

Good luck with finding all your 'bits' in the boxes:)

Anonymous said...

Zo, nu gaat het er op lijken.
Als alles is opgeruimd en ingeruimd kan je beginnen aan een geregeld leventje. Beetje regelmaat, beetje duidelijkheid en beetje sleur.....
Of niet?
Het blijft natuurlijk wel Afrika.
En wij hebben ook de sleur nog steeds niet gevonden.

Al een plaatsje voor de kerstboom gevonden? Zullen we ballen sturen? Kijken wat er van aankomt en hoe het aankomt?

Veel plezier en tot skypes.

Groeten van zus

gemblina said...