Wednesday 29 August 2007

Househunting and more

More busy and tiring days – I don’t know if it’s the heat, the altitude or all the new sights and sounds, or the combination of the above but its draining just doing anything.

We have looked at about 9 houses in total, mostly the newer residential areas in Kigali - Nyarutarama, including the ex residence of the Kenyan ambassador. A number of the houses seemed to have been designed by someone with a mini palace in mind and built by drunken baboons, common features include very uneven stairs, en suites for practically every room and wings!!

In the end though we will probably end up living somewhere else entirely! One of Lons colleagues is going to leave in October/November, and we would like to take over their house – its located in the old part of town, Kiyovu not the new area, so there is much more mature greenery around, and it’s a house where we felt that we could make our home. It has from memory 5 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, a great shaded area to sit outside and an upstairs verandah as well. All though this house is a bit older and shabbier, it has a really good feeling. This means that we will end up in furnished temporary accommodation for the in between period – but it will be worth the wait I think. We will also negotiate taking on (most) of the existing staff, and maybe some furnishings as well.

Went to the Ambassadors for dinner along with the other new intakes (there are 4 new staff at the embassy). The ambassador is an experienced host, and we all had a relaxed, sociable evening.


The Toes said...

Prospective house sounds lovely:) love the description of the new 'palaces built by baboons'

Anonymous said...

Beste Lon,

Ja idd die baboons doen het wel. Maar vind het sowieso heel interessant om alles te lezen. Je berichten hebben onze afdeling bereikt en je zal de reacties snel lezen.
Relaxed dat je collega's je niet aan je lot overlaten en met name op sociaal gebied veel actie ondernemen.
Geniet ervan en ik hou de blog in de gaten.

Hier is weinig veranderd en (behalve dat P Westgeest een andere functie heeft en Jolanda vd Vliet hem op gaat volgen per volgende week)

Groeten aan de Baboons :D


Anonymous said...

Hoi Lon! Leuk je blog te lezen. We volgen je avonturen wel hier bij SAMCo! Suc6 daar en de groeten!

gemblina said...


Miss you both heaps though it sounds fabulous. x I am positively GREEN with envy!

Can't wait to visit!

Love gem x