Sunday, 14 September 2014

Post post

The pressure on public spending in The Netherlands is high. This means that the ministry is looking at all possible and impossible places to cut back the budget.

This results in good and bad things. For us there are two clear changes.

The first is that the Embassy will be shared with the Spanish as from the end of this year.

The second is small yet important and needs attention of you all.
We are not allowed any more to use the diplomatic pouch for our personal mail. After fierce discussion with the ministry we did get exception for unavoidable taxes, bank and insurance mail, but that is it. So nieces, nephews: no more birthday cards, this doesn't mean we don't love you.

So in short; sorry but if you have our address as PO Box 12200 in The Hague, please delete it.
Post can be send to the embassy, but as chances are it will not arrive we are not giving the address. If you have something you really need to send to us, please contact us and we will see what the best method is on a case to case basis.