Sunday 30 January 2011

Respite over

Q: Can you guess what these are?

Well the respite is over, its now 40 by mid-morning and the mosquitoes are back!

On a positive note - its a very dry heat so more bearable for me than the humidity that is to come, there is less dust as the wind has changed direction, and in addition the pool has warmed up again to 25 which is pleasant to swim in, at 22 it was just teeth chattering and cramps and the icing on the cake is that it is strawberry (and broccoli) season yay!

This is Francoise my friend Bronwyns donkey that she rescued after a traffic accident (see bandaged foot)- he lives on our street too and is quite a noisy neighbour

On a cycle round the neighbourhood, and as part of a quest to find some bamboo matting to cover the open part of our shed/garage from dust and nosy eyes Lon found out that there is a small fetish market nearby - what the various heads, tails and skins are needed for I don't want to know.

A: Gekko eggs!


The Toes said...

Strawberries look delish...
Strange fetsh, you have to find out what they are for!!!
Your frying and were freezing, although we don't have nozzles or gekko eggs!!!

The Toes said...

Blooming predictive - mozzies not nozzles ha ha
and fetish not fetsh.....

Haze said...

we have no nozzles either..

that's why I hate predictive text!

Miranda Kate said...

Oh thank goodness, I was thinking of all sorts of really nasty bugs/creatures in those eggs - I don't mind Gekko's, could live with those!

Dry heat is easier, won't envy you when the humidity begins - was in both Barbados and Brisbane in 80-90% humidity - yuck!!

You will have to live in the pool!