Yesterday Sinterklaas came to the residence to visit the dutch (and belgian) kids.
We offered our house as safe haven for the transformation. Five white people entered our house and four black ones and an old man with stick and funny hat left.
Andre became Dracula, Dracula because Sint.
Ready to go to a masked ball.
GI Joe with war mask.
Because it was so far away he had to leave his horse in The Netherlands. He came the last bit by donkey cart.
Faces varying from scared to excited and not a clue what's going on, as Sint is arriving.
Chocolatepiet left chocolate in the sun, now there was only chocolatemilk. Luckily headpiet had secured some chocolate letters.
Considering the circumstances the kids were reasonably quiet. The teacher and the four Piets helped.
In the background there was a organist, this broke the silence a bit, very good idea.
Kids listening to the wise words of Sint. Luckily there were no bad kids.
Everybody left happy with their present and full of pepernoten and taai.